Maple Judging Competition 2024
Maple Syrup producers are invited to enter the following classes:
Class #1: Maple Syrup – Ontario Grade A Golden- 2-250 ml Curved Kent Bottles
Class #2: Maple Syrup – Ontario Grade A Amber – 2- 250 ml Curved Kent Bottles
Class #3: Maple Syrup – Ontario Grade A Dark – 2 – 250 ml Curved Kent Bottles
Class #4: Stirred Maple Sugar 1- 250 ml Jar
Class #5: Maple Sugar Soft 1- 125 gram box (10 small pieces)
Class #6: Maple Butter 1- 250 ml Jar
Class #7: Value Added Basket – The Marion Paul Memorial Award – 1 Basket
PRIZE MONEY AND AWARDS: 1st – $20 2nd – $17.00 3rd – $14.00
Grand Champion Exhibitor – Perth Courier Trophy: Keeper Trophy & $100
Reserve Champion Exhibitor – OMYA Canada Trophy: Keeper Trophy & $50
Best New Exhibitor: Sponsored by L&DMSPA (not having entered the Perth Festival of the Maples Competition in the past 10 years) Keeper Trophy
Champion Maple Syrup – Jim McEwen Memorial Trophy: Keeper Trophy sponsored by Springdale Farm
The Marion Paul Memorial Award for the Value Added Basket – Keeper Trophy sponsored by CDL Lanark
NOTE: Based on the highest total points scored in classes one through six, Lanark & District Maple Syrup Producers Association provides a keeper trophy for the Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, and the Best New Exhibitor.
Based on the highest points of the first place maple syrup in classes one through three the Lanark and District Maple Syrup Producers Association provides a keeper trophy for the Champion Maple Syrup. Prize Money is provided by the Perth Chamber of Commerce Festival of the Maple Committee.
Presentation of Awards: The Trophies will be awarded on the Saturday April 27, 2024, at 11:00 am, at the Main Stage following the Opening Ceremonies. Winners will be contacted on Friday evening and should be present to receive their award.
Best Sales Display Booth Competition: Vendors Maple Sales Booths will be judged on Saturday morning starting at 8: 30 am, based on the following criteria: Educational Value; Promotion of the Maple Industry; Suitability of containers and packaging in regards with the Provincial Regulations and Overall attractiveness of the Display.
The Hal Botham Memorial Trophy will be presented for the Best Sales Display Booth.
If you are interested in having a Sales Booth at the Perth Festival of the Maples, and to pay the required fee, contact the Perth Chamber of Commerce Office 613-267-3200.
For more information and the submission form, please click here: Maple Judging Competition – ENTRY FORM 2024