Haul Home your Syrup Stash with a Maplefest Canvas Tote!
Here’s a great way to carry home your maple syrup bottles and other Maplefest bargains, with a spiffy and sturdy canvas tote bag!
A $5.00 donation that includes HST.
Look for the volunteers with bags at the festival entrances and at the Perth & District Chamber of Commerce booth by the Main Stage at Gore and Herriott Street.
The bags are sponsored by the Festival of the Maples and Perth Chocolate Works – 17 Wilson Street East, Perth, on the main floor of the Code’s Mill Building and online at: perthchocolate.ca

Looking Sweet with a Festival of the Maples Ball Cap!
Show your ‘Love of the Syrup’ with a new ‘Festival of the Maples’ ball cap in blue or green with logo. $23.00 plus HST = $26.00.
On sale at the Perth & District Chamber of Commerce booth by the Main Stage at Gore and Herriott Street.